
 In tech this month all the students K-6 learned to code.  Kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd grade continued with Scratch Jr.  I must admit there are more than a few 2nd graders who are better at Scratch than I am and are a big help when I have questions. We did a multi-paged project with a setting sun, animals moving and disappearing, and a rising moon. We learned to add text to our project as well.  Wow, they did a great job all week.   3-4 we used Hatch and block coding to play space invaders and to move a 3D T-Rex around objects.   5-6 Graders learned a new programing language called python or should I say we all learned how to program in Python.  We all really enjoyed using the Ozoria/Code of Combat website which had games that show us how to code.  It was awesome. 
  Thank you for helping me have the most successful book fair ever at Moretown Elementary School.  All the proceeds go to fund books for children. This year I used the money to buy each student a book and make sure every teacher got one book on their wish list.  We had a guessing game - How many candy corn in the jar, Congratulations to Blake you had the closest guess. 

October Tech Class and Library News

  This week in Tech class This week in Tech class students learned how to use new technologies.  K-2 graders used scratch Jr. a beginning computer programing application on their iPads.  For many kindergarteners, this was the first time they used this app and they did a fantastic job learning to program their characters to move and even race.  1-2 graders had a bit more experience and even taught me a thing or two.  We will continue using this program throughout the year adding more complicated commands.   ¾ Wow, they worked hard learning about google slides, Jamboards, and creating avatars.  ⅚ Are creating book review books using book creator.  I am really enjoying their creativity with this project.  Other Library news The Bookfair is Coming!  There will be a Scholastic Book Fair in the Library starting October 31 and ending Nov 4, 2022 .  The fair will be open daily from 7 am-3 pm and on October 31 it will be open from 5 pm - 7:00 pm.  And this year every student will receive a free
Welcome Back to School I was so excited to see everyone back from well-needed Summer vacation.  This year we return to  library once a week,YEAH .  I am working on updating my blog each month, the library webpage with this year's state nominee books, and preparing for the Scholastic book fair on October 31.  Finally, if you have any overdue books even from last year please return them, there are no late fines and I am always happy to see a lost book.  

March in the Library

Water is Life Project We are jumping in with both feet into this school-wide Water is Life Celebration and having a great time researching wondering, reading books, and experimenting with water.  Ms. Jenny is doing an amazing job finding new ways to explore the water.   5/6 Grade This was a busy month for library classes.  Making a bulletin board for our water wondering, thank you Sofia, Aiden, and  Leilah   sharing some great ways to save water, thank you Addie and Maxine and creating projects to share like this Scratch presentation  great job Harper! And working with their teachers to help them explore their passion projects. And enjoying a fun Friday of games on a Thursday! 3/4 Grade As part of their State projects this year I am helping them create an interactive map.  1/2 Grade Water wondering, Internation Women's Month - Read aloud about Elizabeth Cotton - a musician who played her guitar upside down and Emily Roebling who helped build the Brooklyn Bridge We made kites, wate
 Thank you to everyone who shopped at the bookfair this year, the kids were so excited to see it return! We are looking forward to the Water is Life school-wide project for the next 4 weeks.  I will be reading books about water next week and answering some wonderings about water.