In tech this month all the students K-6 learned to code.  Kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd grade continued with Scratch Jr.  I must admit there are more than a few 2nd graders who are better at Scratch than I am and are a big help when I have questions. We did a multi-paged project with a setting sun, animals moving and disappearing, and a rising moon. We learned to add text to our project as well.  Wow, they did a great job all week.  

3-4 we used Hatch and block coding to play space invaders and to move a 3D T-Rex around objects. 

 5-6 Graders learned a new programing language called python or should I say we all learned how to program in Python.  We all really enjoyed using the Ozoria/Code of Combat website which had games that show us how to code.  It was awesome. 


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